Brian Gongol
- The initials shouldn't spell a name or a word
- The first two letters of a girl's name shouldn't easily form a word with any third letter attached. Your little Beth Ann Smith may be fine now, but if she marries and takes the name of a man named John Greene, her initials could become BAG. And if she hyphenates, her initials could even be BAGS.
- The child's last name and first name shouldn't rhyme
- The name should pass the "Name Game" test without embarrassing words coming out (children will always learn and play the "Name Game" right about the age they start to learn about swearing)
- No split formal/informal names
- The first name and middle initial shouldn't form a word (example: Christopher Patrick becomes "Chris P." -- or "crispy")
- Potential nicknames should be thought through very carefully
- The name shouldn't belong to someone notorious (no naming a child "Adolf", for instance)