Gongol.com Archives: March 2003
Brian Gongol
Perhaps He'd Like to Be a Human Shield (3.31.2003)
Solving Email Chain Letters (3.31.2003)
No Respect for Human Dignity (from OpinionJournal.com) (3.31.2003)
Citizenship Quiz (3.31.2003)
OpinionJournal Documents Iraqi Terrorism (3.31.2003)
Call Me a Protest Warrior, Too (3.31.2003)
These Savages Must Be Eliminated (from Edodo.org) (3.28.2003)
Pearls Before Swine (3.28.2003)
Celtic Band in Iowa City Saturday Night (3.28.2003)
One More Reason (3.28.2003)
Satire Wire (3.28.2003)
The Guinness Hurling Commercial Music is Called "Free In" (3.26.2003)
Frazz (from Edodo.org) (3.26.2003)
Some Random Opinions (3.26.2003)
Everyone's a Republican on April 15th (3.26.2003)
I Don't Want to Get Off on a Rant Here (3.26.2003)
Temporarily My New Favorite Joke (3.26.2003)
Either You Start Dying Earlier, or Social Security Goes Bust by 2042 (or Earlier) (3.25.2003)
Justice (3.25.2003)
Shirtsleeves to Shirtsleeves in Three Generations (3.25.2003)
One Cheeky Take on the Anti-War Crowd (3.25.2003)
The U.S. Fleet At a Glance (3.24.2003)
In Retrospect: Premature Iraqi Surrenders (3.24.2003)
AIDS Cases Again Increasing (3.24.2003)
Since When Are Germany and France Independently Allied? (3.24.2003)
In Case You Need More Stupid Avatars or Smilies (3.24.2003)
Human Shields Now Report Iraqi Atrocities (3.24.2003)
Pipin' Hot Russian Weapons Found in Iraq (from Edodo.org) (3.23.2003)
Turner Would Take Ex-Wife Over AOL Merger (3.23.2003)
Mushroom Cloud Picture Gallery (3.23.2003)
Sun Responsible for Global Warming (Maybe) (3.23.2003)
"As numerous as the stars of the sky" (3.23.2003)
George HW Bush: "You think we’re arrogant, and we think you’re French" (3.23.2003)
Quite Possibly the Funniest Photoshops in History (3.21.2003)
Reality Carnival (from Fark.com) (3.21.2003)
Normally Boring TLC Earns a Laugh (3.21.2003)
The US Beer Drinking Team (3.21.2003)
Forbes is Waaay Behind the Curve (3.21.2003)
Taking Out the Enemy, One By One (3.21.2003)
Making Google More Complicated Won't Work (3.21.2003)
Live News from the BBC (3.21.2003)
Read the First Item Under "News In Brief" (offensive language on page) (3.21.2003)
Most of Clay Bennett's Cartoons Are Off, But This One's Dead On (3.21.2003)
Audio: Iraqi Expat Schools Anti-War Mouthpiece (3.20.2003)
Saddam is Not Saddam? (3.20.2003)
The "Too Close for Comfort" Theme Was Stuck in My Head This Evening (3.20.2003)
The Pictures Are Unpleasant; the Message Unmistakable (3.20.2003)
This Whole "TATU" Thing is One Big Chucklefest (3.20.2003)
TerrorismFiles.org (from Edodo.org) (3.20.2003)
What's Wrong with Hans Blix (3.18.2003)
Animating a Mushroom Cloud (3.18.2003)
Real Straight Talk on War (from OpinionJournal.com) (3.18.2003)
Guinness is Low-Cal (3.18.2003)
"This evil, fascist regime must come to an end" (3.18.2003)
Equal Access to Gas Masks in Israel (3.16.2003)
Inspectors, Now Would Be An Opportune Time to Leave Iraq (3.16.2003)
Mother "Proud" of Suicide Bomber Son (3.15.2003)
New Bug Could Be Worst Since 1917 (3.16.2003)
Georgia Tried Lawyer Tax, Lost in Court (3.16.2003)
U.S. Testing the "Mother of All Bombs" (3.15.2003)
More About Fonts Than You Wanted to Know (3.15.2003)
Newton BBS (3.15.2003)
Anti-War Nuts Trash 9/11 Memorial (from OpinionJournal.com) (3.15.2003)
WDM Bond Vote Fails...As It Should Have (3.15.2003)
Arbitron Radio Ratings Even Less Valid Than Before (3.15.2003)
Day By Day (3.15.2003)
Super-Flu Spreading Worldwide (3.15.2003)
Monkeys Escape, Have "Ladies' Night" (3.14.2003)
France's Dirty Secrets (from PaveFrance.com) (3.13.2003)
War...Huh! (from Single Out West) (3.13.2003)
Carter Loses Credibility on Defending Freedom (3.13.2003)
Stalin May Have Wanted War with the U.S. (from Arts & Letters Daily) (3.13.2003)
Mutual Fund Governance Changes Possible (3.12.2003)
Smart Found Safe (3.12.2003)
Celebrities Generally Should Shut Up (3.11.2003)
Anti-War Types in the Minority (3.11.2003)
This is a Continued Fight for Our Survival (3.11.2003)
Ted Turner, Time Traveler (3.11.2003)
We'll Tell Israel Before Launching a Fight (3.10.2003)
Forecast: 180 Corporate Bankruptcies in 2003 (3.10.2003)
French Men Powerless Against Women (from OpinionJournal.com) (3.10.2003)
PaveFrance.com (3.10.2003)
"Wait a minute. Do you speak German?" (from PaveFrance.com) (3.10.2003)
The Holy Bread of Bush (3.9.2003)
A 128-Point Buck (3.9.2003)
Commercial Banking Surveys (3.8.2003)
Warren Buffet's Latest Report (3.8.2003)
Convicted Cleric: "[T]he way forward is the bullet" (3.8.2003)
Chirac's MidEast Foot-Dragging Has a History (3.8.2003)
Hot On bin Laden's Trail (3.8.2003)
New Theory on Jupiter's Stripes (3.8.2003)
I've Said This for Years (3.8.2003)
Sen. Grassley Pushes for TAG Funding (3.8.2003)
I Was In Algona Last Week (3.6.2003)
Why War? (3.6.2003)
The "Irrational Exuberance" Speech (3.3.2003)
Mother Goose Meets Material Girl (3.3.2003)
You Made More and Spent Less Last Month (3.3.2003)
Next on TLC: "Trading Faces" (3.3.2003)
World's Most Expensive Cars (3.3.2003)
Chirac's a Dirty Worm (3.3.2003)
France Needs to Grow Up (3.3.2003)
Who the Anti-War Demonstrators Are (3.3.2003)
Making the Enemy Talk (3.2.2003)
Free Speech vs. Gun Rights (3.2.2003)
Internal Memos (3.2.2003)
Famous Gun Nuts (3.2.2003)
Admit It: You've Thought This, Too (3.2.2003)
Snow Caused Statewide Travel Ban (3.2.2003)
Red Scare in Business (3.2.2003)
Operation Military Pride (from EHOWA.com) (3.2.2003)
Chick Fight at Gaddafi's (3.1.2003)
Hussein is More Diabolical Than We Think (3.1.2003)
Is It Crazy to Advocate Ending Stupidity? (3.1.2003)
Guess We Won't Waste Any Time (3.1.2003)
The Saudis Are Not Our Friends (3.1.2003)
- I make a habit of checking the Jung-Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory once a year or so, just to see if the test is still reliable and to observe whether anything significant has changed about me. Heh. This has been going on for four years now (at least), and I am still an ENTJ. I still think the "Fieldmarshal" nickname for the category is dead-on, though I'm never quite sure that the "celebrity profiles" that most of the websites suggest are completely accurate. Regardless, I hadn't seen this extended profile of the larger category that "Fieldmarshals" fall under, but it was impressively accurate. There's a complete chart of the sixteen types that seems accurate, at least for the people I know who have taken the test. And when you're done with that one, the Political Performance Test is a good one, too. (3.25.2003)
- I just caught a few moments of an old Saturday Night Live episode on Comedy Central. Can someone please tell me just how completely we were all distracted by the stock-market bubble that we didn't realize we actually honored Monica Lewinsky by making her a guest host on the show? (3.15.2003)