Gongol.com Archives: June 2003
Brian Gongol

The American Way and Threats to It And Some People Still Think the War Wasn't Justified (6.8.2003)
The American Way and Threats to It Iran May Topple Itself (6.15.2003)
The American Way and Threats to It Eye on the NY Times (6.1.2003)
The American Way Fighting Frivolous Copyright Extension (6.26.2003)
The American Way Great Perspective on Copyright Law (6.26.2003)
Business and Finance Iowa Unemployment Up to 4.5% - Twice November 1999 (6.20.2003)
Business and Finance The Anti-IPO (6.24.2003)
Business and Finance Airbus Improprieties Documented (6.15.2003)
Business and Finance Corruption at Airbus (6.12.2003)
Business and Finance Is IBM Back? (6.25.2003)
Business and Finance Trying the "Genius Strategy" (6.25.2003)
Business and Finance Martha Stewart: Busted? (6.3.2003)
Business and Finance UK Not Ready for Euro (6.22.2003)
Business and Finance Estate Tax on Deathbed (6.20.2003)
Business and Finance 56% of Recent Grads in South Korea Can't Find Jobs (6.10.2003)
Business and Finance Hyundai Headed for Strike (6.15.2003)
Business and Finance More Consolidation the Solution for Korean Industry? (6.15.2003)
Business and Finance 16 of 17 Tokyo Electric Nuclear Reactors Broken (6.11.2003)
Business and Finance Is Japan on the Economic Way Out? (6.16.2003)
Business and Finance World Purchasing Power Parity (6.8.2003)
Business and Finance Natural Gas Prices Still Ballooning (6.11.2003)
Business and Finance Money Is Practically Free Now (6.26.2003)
Business and Finance Palm Buys Handspring (6.22.2003)
Business and Finance Too Many Cooks Spoil the Boardroom Soup (6.24.2003)
Business and Finance Curse These Media Monopolists! (ca. 1968) (6.8.2003)
Business and Finance Industrial Positivism is My Mantra (6.1.2003)
Business and Finance Socialist Idiots Know How to Ruin a Good Thing (6.22.2003)
Aviation AviationWeather.gov (6.1.2003)
Aviation Peace Through Superior Firepower (6.22.2003)
Aviation 727 Just...Disappears (6.20.2003)
Aviation Star Wars Now (6.25.2003)
Aviation Whistleblowers or Work Stoppers at United? (6.16.2003)
Aviation Centennial of Flight (6.10.2003)
Aviation But He Can't Use It While Driving! (6.25.2003)
We All Need a Little Humor From the Department of Redundancy Department: "Preemptive Preemption" (6.16.2003)
We All Need a Little Humor Party-Crasher Upstages Mr. Bean (6.22.2003)
We All Need a Little Humor "It's as though the air guitar itself didn't exist." (6.16.2003)
We All Need a Little Humor Lars Ulrich Cares About (Iraqi) POWs (6.16.2003)
We All Need a Little Humor New York Times Headlines (6.8.2003)
We All Need a Little Humor NKor Troops Cross Border Without Firing a Shot (6.11.2003)
We All Need a Little Humor Koreans Lose Camera-Phone Rights (6.22.2003)
We All Need a Little Humor Column Two, Row Sixteen (6.16.2003)
We All Need a Little Humor Apparently the Japanese Don't Read Much (6.22.2003)
We All Need a Little Humor Fox News Wins Rights to Next Four Wars (6.16.2003)
We All Need a Little Humor Teacher Graduates HS Alongside His Own Students (6.11.2003)
We All Need a Little Humor Donald Rumsfeld Fan Club (6.26.2003)
We All Need a Little Humor Homestar Runner Lampoons Amazon (6.25.2003)
We All Need a Little Humor Aaaaaah...Email! (6.25.2003)
We All Need a Little Humor Live From India: A Funeral! (6.11.2003)
We All Need a Little Humor Bork! Bork! Bork! (6.1.2003)
We All Need a Little Humor "I think they got it from 'Star Trek' or something" (6.25.2003)
We All Need a Little Humor I Just Lost My Appetite (6.16.2003)
We All Need a Little Humor Hummer-2 As Offensive Weapon (from Edodo.org) (6.17.2003)
We All Need a Little Humor Spammers and Their (800) Numbers (6.22.2003)
We All Need a Little Humor Mermaid Bar (6.20.2003)
We All Need a Little Humor Keeping a Sense of Humor in War (6.24.2003)
We All Need a Little Humor See You at the Wife-Carrying Competition (6.16.2003)
We All Need a Little Humor The Moderately Inappropriate Evil Pictogram Library (6.16.2003)
We All Need a Little Humor Fish Are Just Like Men...We Can't Help Ourselves (6.16.2003)
We All Need a Little Humor Laura Bush Says "Homey" (6.1.2003)
We All Need a Little Humor Tommy Franks Goes Solo (6.10.2003)
We All Need a Little Humor Marine Delivers Baby Boy (Her Own) (from Edodo.org) (6.11.2003)
News Everybody's Got Missle Defense (6.10.2003)
News 'Concerned Women' Fighting Dirty Pictures, Communism (6.28.2003)
News Car Bomb Found in Northern Ireland (6.15.2003)
News Gregory Peck Dead (6.12.2003)
News Good Night, David (6.12.2003)
News Japanese Forces Deployed to Iraq (6.11.2003)
News The Mideast Road Map (6.3.2003)
News Artifact-Hunting in Baghdad (6.25.2003)
News Sammy Just Goofed. Go Cubs! (6.8.2003)
News California Terrorist Caught (6.10.2003)
News Arafat Could Get the Boot (6.11.2003)
News Israeli Jews Outnumber U.S. Jews (6.16.2003)
News "Successful" Missile Misses its Target (6.22.2003)
News It's About to Get Worse in Israel (6.10.2003)
News US Senator's Daughter Injured in Bus Bombing (6.11.2003)
News Israel: BBC "Verging on the Anti-Semitic" (6.28.2003)
News Interestingly, My Backyard Fence is Falling Down (6.24.2003)
News Hamas May Recognize Israel (6.24.2003)
News Riot at Elementary School Graduation (6.20.2003)
News Game May Have Been Northern Ireland Bomb Target (6.15.2003)
News Aussies Want to Blockade North Korea (6.11.2003)
News Bomb Found on Alitalia Plane (6.12.2003)
News Riots in Michigan Town (6.20.2003)
News Genius Tries Breastfeeding While Driving (6.20.2003)
News Incredibly Bizarre Murder Case (6.20.2003)
News UK Tabloid Screams: "Sex is Killing Britain" (6.10.2003)
News Father, Daughter Swim 5 Hours to Safety From Capsized Boat (6.26.2003)
News 5,500-lb. Cocaine Bust (6.26.2003)
Other Stuff Cheap Gin is the Bane of My Existence (6.3.2003)
Other Stuff Pictogram Reference Library (6.16.2003)
Other Stuff Bizarre NY Times Story on Teen Naturist Camp (6.20.2003)
Other Stuff History Lesson on Ukranian Famine (6.10.2003)
Other Stuff Polaroids of Chicago (6.3.2003)
Other Stuff Liberal Fear? (6.10.2003)
Science and Technology Early Risers By Nature (from fark.com) (6.20.2003)
Science and Technology "Can I beat George Bush on a Segway?" (6.20.2003)
Science and Technology US Water Use (6.8.2003)
Science and Technology Shocking News: Sharing Bathwater Can Be Hazardous to Your Health (6.25.2003)
Science and Technology Cell Phone Numbers Are (Soon To Be) Forever (6.16.2003)
Science and Technology Regular Maintenance Matters (6.22.2003)
Science and Technology Chicago Flooding Solution (6.8.2003)
Science and Technology DNA Theft to Become Crime in UK (6.24.2003)
Science and Technology On Biometrics and Their Shortcomings (6.24.2003)
Science and Technology Brain Economics (from slashdot.org) (6.22.2003)
Science and Technology World Engineering Feats (6.8.2003)
Science and Technology Japanese Power Supply in Serious Trouble (6.11.2003)
Threats to the American Way Watch a Terrorist Get Grilled (6.8.2003)
Threats to the American Way Qantas Attacker Gets His Due (6.1.2003)
Threats to the American Way Terror Danger Continues (6.1.2003)
Threats to the American Way Islamists Take Over French University (6.8.2003)
Threats to the American Way Buying Peace (6.24.2003)
Threats to the American Way Ohio Truck Driver Member of Al Qaeda (6.20.2003)
Threats to the American Way Always Fight Fundamentalism (6.25.2003)
Threats to the American Way Greeks Capture Heavily-Armed Ship (6.26.2003)
Threats to the American Way Suicide Bombers "Like an F-16" (6.15.2003)
Threats to the American Way Self-Immolation Protests in Paris (disturbing photo) (6.20.2003)
The United States of America McCarthy Hearing Transcripts Released (6.16.2003)
The United States of America Concerns Over Patriot Act Linger (6.10.2003)
The United States of America Rumsfeld Tells USNA Grads to Play Nice with Other Services (6.1.2003)
The United States of America Bob Kerry's Stand on War (6.22.2003)
The United States of America US Partially Withdrawing from Korean Front Lines (6.8.2003)
The United States of America When You Really Hate Your Governor (6.16.2003)
The United States of America Impressive Patriotic Image (6.3.2003)
The United States of America Blix Now Calling US Leaders Bad Names (6.10.2003)
The United States of America New Army Chief Being Pulled from Retirement (6.11.2003)
The United States of America Lengthy Recommendation on North Korea (6.10.2003)