Brian Gongol

They're not the ones actually screwing you

Marines are there to protect the US Embassy

The US is pursuing the same thing

Especially when he's sub-human

Too much spending on Social Security, Medicare

Not just flights between the UK and the US that are targets

DoD says they want the occupation to end, but the troops to stay

Between this and online dating, it's practically prearranged marriages all over again

Silly comments on "Conan O'Brien" get people in a lurch

Recognizes that you can't pay the same benefits longer without putting more money in

Strange observation last month set off chain of events illustrating just what's wrong with the observation system

Government tells him he can't fly it

That dark-gray thing they've had going on should be phased out in four years or so

Says the fact they can't even track mail bombers is enough to justify the move

Doesn't think they're ready for democracy quite yet

Don't worry -- it wasn't bought with taxpayer funds

Was supposed to be an exercise in bravado (from

Flight diverted to Maine to threaten the caribou instead

Hard-liners block reformers from running

Backgrounds included for tons o'fun

Says satellites are tracking the terrorist

Cancelling flights and telling Britons not to go there

Boeing says it will cut down on maintenance problems through early detection

FBI is on the case; not clear yet how bad it is

American economy grew fast; we ended up buying lots of other people's stuff

Edwards and Dean the only serious competitors left for Dems' nomination

Report that fire exits at shopping center were locked

Banned in France, Denmark; now other European countries considering making it illegal

Glass roof collapses at Moscow swimming pool

Encouraging confusion for people who can't dial letters

Don't recognize a number on your caller ID? Site lets you find out where the call is coming from

Dozens of shipments a year arrive through the Port of Boston

Claims the dictator started with marijuana in 1959

I'm not a big Bill Gates fan, but this deserves some praise

He's an Algerian living illegally in Canada, arrested when he tried to drive across the border into Washingon state with a car full of explosives

Airline passenger screening program just isn't working very well, and it opens doors to things like identity theft

Could lead to therapeutic breakthroughs for Parkinson's and diabetes, but should we do it?

Heathrow to Riyadh and Heathrow to Washington

Liberal asylum laws in Ireland, UK attract thousands of illegals

Apparently, they don't like each other very much

Drudge reporting that Kerry's going to get busted in a sex scandal

Oh, that's right, Iowans: He's one of the "talked-about"

Israeli opposition leader and Palestinian foreign minister say yes

Economy is getting better, but it's about time to take control of the budget deficit

This is not the best month for Michael Eisner: First he drops the Pixar deal, now it's a hostile takeover attempt

This one was at an army recruitment center; illuminates the insurgents' desperation

Would create the world's highest-revenue airline

But they're destroying 12,000 chickens anyway

Nice site for news and information

He's like Al Gore, Part Deux: No one knows what he stands for, but he acts angry a lot

Utah father shoots at pregnant 14-year-old's boyfriend, misses

Anti-Semitism on the rise there, partly due to Islamic fundamentalism

Yes, he died after a fall, but he was a big guy when he slipped

Coalition forces leader says tone of intercepted 17-page letter was "terrified"

Variants now uploading themselves to computers that aren't virus-protected

Headed from Iran to UAE

When health care is the government's business, government takes over your life

Iraqi victims were lined up to get jobs in security forces

He also invented the flight data recorder (black box)

If several different hijackers are on board, each carrying a piece, it could mean trouble

Home prices rose nearly 25% last year

When your psychotic dictator spends most of your nation's income on the military, the people don't have enough left over to eat

Trained at a Pakistani camp

Says he objects to the firing of Frank Solich, so why can't they name it for a corporate sponsor?

He's in a case going to a grand jury; she showed up to ask questions; he said if she came back, he'd hit her with criminal trespass

Might actually be at their worst rate ever; Britons at a record level of personal debt

Suspects include Chechen separatists, rival gangs

Dean campaign has blown more than $66 million in TV advertising alone

Singapore to Los Angeles...18 hours of knee-crunching, blood-clotting fun!

Different strain than today's, but it killed 50 million people

Goods stolen from cargo planes were sold on eBay

It's inevitable, says foreign minister. Unfortunately, he's right.

Fines up to $1,000 haven't done a thing to reduce phone usage

Certain words ensure that messages go through; makes "spam" (bad email) look like "ham" (real email)

Activists there, taking cues from US pressure on region, think time is right for reform

Could help boys who go through cancer treatments still become fathers

Ohio legislature tries to ban it; will be a major election issue

Clark not far behind; Kerry still in Dems' lead

$250k if you rat them out, and please do

Thinks a US invasion is imminent. Opposes Free Trade Area of the Americas. Fights "globalization." Oppresses his people.

Solid, liquid, gas, plasma, Bose-Einstein condensate, now this. Could pave way for room-temperature superconductors.

Lieberman out of the race and Dean can't win anywhere

Directed against Sen. Frist; White House targeted two months ago

DoD reports that it's already protected troops from RPG attacks

Whatever your beef with the software companies, creating a virus isn't a productive decision

Interestingly, the same stuff can be used in heart medication

More greenhouse gases raised temperatures, which caused rain, which weathered rocks, which released minerals, which combined with greenhouse gases, which ended global warming

The best ones are shown at top

This is getting ridiculous