Brian Gongol

Take a closer look at one of the weapons of war that has kept our freedom alive and well

Memorial Day is an excellent reminder that we should thank those who have served, both living and dead

Wouldn't you, too? Cuba should probably be our first choice next time we add some new states.

I have written more words about this page in this sentence than you will find on the entire site. It's still funny.

Ford's European division already losing hundreds of millions of dollars a year

Socialized medicine means not having decent enough health care nearby that you can count on

Could there be a greater honor than that nickname?

The Internet is full of things you'd never have found before

Since the Communist flavor of totalitarianism was responsible for even more deaths than the equally-reprehensible Fascist flavor, this seems a decent endeavor. Not sure if the Communists were (are?) bad enough? Visit the Museum of Communism and see what you think. You can contribute to the memorial effort here.

Enough uranium to create 10 nuclear bombs is floating around two dozen old reactor sites in the former USSR, and we don't need it falling into the wrong hands

70,000 police will patrol the Olympic village

Half of those degrees in 2001 went to foreign-born students, but the 9/11 impact means fewer of those students are getting in. Without lots more native-born Americans getting into these fields, we're in serious trouble.

Culturally, Ireland is little more different from the US than, say, the Midwest is from the West Coast or the South

Arthur Laffer must be pleased: A reduction in the tax rate from 23% to 19% brought in 50% of the year's expected revenues in just four months

The law may have legitimized junk e-mail enough to create more of it rather than less. Some expect that 80% of all e-mail traffic this year will be spam. 40% of spam is now for drugs like Viagra, while 38% is for "hot stock tips" and the like. Porn e-mail now accounts for less than 5% of spam.

Heaviest users are people with camera phones

The irony speaks for itself. The pilot ran out of gas. Helpful motorist swerved back and forth across lanes behind it to clear a path for the landing.

Abu Hamza, possibly also known as Mustafa Kamel Mustafa, accused of hostage-taking, conspiracy, and support of Al Qaeda

Declares now -- NOW! -- that terrorism would be his main foreign-policy objective. He's been campaigning for a year, and it took him until now to acknowledge that the safety and security of Americans should be his top foreign-policy objective? How long did he leave his finger in the wind to figure out public opinion on that one? Sen. Kerry couldn't pass up the chance to call for more "international consensus," either. As if waiting for Algeria or Angola to agree with us on the UN Security Council is the best way to conduct our foreign affairs. Domestic "consensus" causes things like the Macarena craze. We need leadership more than consensus.

Researcher says 10% less sunlight is falling on the planet than did 50 years ago. Much of it may have come from Asia. The special irony is that it may have reduced global warming.

The suggestion is that, rather than engaging the enemy directly in Iraq, the US should follow its own model from fighting in El Salvador or the British model used in India. A small number of military "advisors" would guide the use of a much larger indigenous force. This was, in part, the subject of a July 2003 article in the The Atlantic Monthly.

Drop whatever you're doing right now and read this interview on the The Atlantic Monthly's website. Niall Ferguson, in a short (five page) interview, does a phenomenal job of putting perspective on why America is already an empire and why it needs to be more so: "If we don't extend our civilization, an even worse empire may emerge -- see the Cold War." Outstanding. Make some time as well to read this counter-argument.

Des Moines sells naming rights to the arena at the new Iowa Events Center to Wells Fargo for $11.5 million over 20 years. Just as long as they don't pull an Enron.

WordPerfect launches commercial campaign (link goes to video stream of one of those commercials) ripping on stupid MS Office features that annoy more than they help. WordPerfect used to be the best word processing software around, but then it started to slip. Will version 12 be good enough -- or even perfect? I'm not so sure.

One report does not a convincing argument make. I still think the good done by toppling a madman in control of a rogue state with chemical weapons probably outweighs the harm, but objective evaluation requires hearing many arguments. I will submit, however, that it's time to stop using the phrase "winning hearts and minds." It's not a significant stretch to conclude that any rational human being using his or her mind should logically conclude that systems encouraging liberty under the rule of law are mankind's natural right. What we need to do instead is act in a manner intended to win over the less-rational people who decide based on emotions. I don't like it one bit -- it's terrible that more people aren't rational -- but the case for swinging the rest of the world over to a Western way of life is a sales pitch, and it's one that we now must make with the kind of gravity we should reserve for life-or-death issues. Because this one is.

Analysis of last month's tape suggests that the paranoiacs who think corporations are out to get them are the kinds of folks Bin Laden & Co. are hoping will crumble

Major events include the quadrennial political conventions, 4th of July events, and the dedication of the new WWII memorial. After Spain got wobbly knees from the Madrid train bombing and elected government of pussyfooting leftists, Al Qaeda may think it can get the same thing out of the United States.

Insull was a major industrialist in the early part of the century, but his empire was destroyed during the Great Depression. Some say his fall was a precursor to the Enron scandal, but this article counters that he was in fact brought down by regulation, manipulative bankers, and crooked politicians.

13,000 people homeless with hundreds still missing

Forest Service says 33 aerial tankers are unsafe to fly, but Southwestern Members of Congress aren't exactly pleased with the decision

Pilot, photog couple is trying to photograph the entire coastline of California. They'll never get the chance to photograph Vandenburg Air Force Base because of legal restrictions, but the courts said they can take pictures of Barbra Streisand's home, whether or not she likes it.

Photos alleging abuse of Iraqi detainees by British soldiers weren't true, even though they were published in London's Daily Mirror. It cannot be repeated often enough: We are all responsible for evaluating the truth behind everything we read, see, and hear. If it smells fishy, that goes doubly. One of the soldiers involved in faking the photos in this case has been arrested. The BBC has a very good article detailing past hoaxes, including some performed by people who do this kind of thing semi-professionally.

Why put someone who's "not a radio man" in charge of a radio network? Whatever happened to knowing your product? Count on Air America to fall apart by February.

See shots of flooding on the Raccoon and Walnut Creek

Weighed over 200 lbs.

60 others injured, including the British ambassador. Blast happened at a Muslim shrine.

When followed well, it can mean quick weight loss...but most people don't stick to restrictive diets very well, and side effects include things like bad breath and constipation

It's pretty difficult to believe that they're going to be a "fiscally conservative" party as their leader promises. On a side note, isn't it a little ironic that the Green Party, an avowedly leftist organization, is one of the only international political parties? Aren't leftists the ones always opposing "globalization"?

Liberal Party is polling ahead right now

New cracks now being reported

Six children killed

Reward for progress toward reinstating democracy

Some good news, though: Fighting in Karbala may be over

Evaluate for yourself whether we're achieving the intended goals

Website allows you to see traffic almost-live at JFK, LAX, Logan, and other airports (from

Stupid lawsuits are really only good at taking more choices out of consumers' hands, and that's not a good thing

Results: "Solutions" imposed may not have had any relation to reality, and the gravity of real assaults becomes diminished

Conflicting evidence over what was actually there before 45 people were killed

Small Iowa town was essentially destroyed by a tornado on Friday (May 21)

The Raccoon River has risen enough that the Fleur Drive bridge was closed this afternoon. More rain is in the forecast.

The network news anchor, interestingly, is really not interested in being covered by the media

Because there's no better way to express your eternal affection than on a public message board that, among other things, regularly highlights links to half-naked women

Unions can be a pain, but isn't that going a little overboard?

See video footage of tornadoes and flooding damage

Per-capita income isn't rising here as fast as in the rest of the country. Getting smart about the businesses we encourage here could change that.

They threw a sack of colored flour that hit Prime Minister Tony Blair. If it had been something other than flour, like a chemical weapon, it could've been a very serious incident. Not to mention there's no clear line of succession in the UK.

It was basically the center of the scientific world 2,000 years ago; was probably destroyed by Julius Caesar after Archimedes, Ptolemy, and Euclid had finished their work there (from

Beijing hates it, local papers don't entirely think he went far enough

Multiple vortices can be developed from the same tornadic storm, and it can raise wind speeds by 100 mph on the ground

As you should expect, the pictures in the link above are not exactly safe for work. If you thought a tabloid news story on 82 Britons riding a roller coaster in the nude was going to be safe for work, then you're an idiot. No surprise: They're a bunch of students. No surprise: People took photos. Surprise: The pictures were taken to raise money for charity.

It shut down flights for 20 minutes. Whoops.

In all probability, the Prime Minister of New Zealand isn't packing explosives. An old story, but who reported it in the US at the time? It's still funny.

I'm really in the wrong line of business -- lots of these people charge $50,000 and up per speech. Shoot -- I do it for much less than that.

Dr. Ruth -- the world's best-known sex psychologist -- was a Holocaust orphan and fought in the Israeli militia when she was 16

Their product isn't very good, and now they have serious money troubles

Six men stole a van and crashed it into a warehouse storing cash and precious metals; 100 officers of the Metropolitan Police showed them to their new lodgings behind bars

80 to 90% of the country being run by local governments. Of course, there's still the high likelihood that more terrorist attacks on the US are expected. Also of note: Vehicle accidents are the leading non-combat cause of death among servicemembers in Iraq.

Imagine: It's so competitive that some tickets go for less than $2

Six killed when a bomb hit their vehicle. Israel says seven Palestinian Arabs killed in an air assault were about to plant more explosives. Now, are Israel's demolition of Palestinian settlements in Gaza a smart move that will stop the flow of weapons from Egypt or an inappropriate attack on innocent civilians? I don't have that answer. 20 people were killed on Tuesday: Some were gunmen, one was handling explosives, but others were children.

One general will read them all

Two US troops treated for exposure. Iraq had chemical weapons.

Four police killed when their vehicle hit a land mine; eight soldiers killed by a second mine and rebel gunfire when they went to help

Singh appears to be universally respected. The priority issue is whether he's going to keep up the same economic reforms that will keep India from spinning its wheels without moving forward. A related article points out that growth depends on the rule of law and whether traditional underclasses get the chance to use reforms to their benefit. His public pronouncements so far suggest he'll stay with a moderate reformist agenda, but will stick with some of the old protectionist policies like nationalizing major utility industries. Fortunately, he also says he'll pursue peace with Pakistan.

As well as where you read it and whether they forwarded it on; I anticipate that someone will respond quickly with a filter or block for this system; I don't want spammers following me or thieves pinging my inbox to see if I'm home (with a nod to Marginal Revolution for the link

Manmohan Singh was finance minister in the early 1990's; the stock markets viewed his ascension very favorably

The Beeb says he's a fan of mixed governments (generally free-market, with a large public sector influence), but in a 2001 interview, he said he was not a Keynesian but rather a believer in smaller government. Either way, it's hard for developing nations to resist the urge to mimic the South Korean model

He's probably right, but only if you replace "terror" with "al Qaeda." Terrorism is a method. Al Qaeda is a movement. We cannot eliminate terrorism as a practice any more than we can enforce the brushing of teeth, but we can reasonably seek the defeat and eradication of a particular movement.

Now if only more of them would say that about attacks anywhere

The tragedy of their commons: Anyone sitting on top of groundwater can use as much as they want

Scans for water droplets in clouds that can lead to icing, since ice on the wings can destroy a plane's ability to fly

University of California develops strap-on bionic legs that can help regular people carry huge loads

It belonged to the plane that crashed with the presidents of Rwanda and Burundi aboard in 1994. The crash led to fighting that left 800,000 people dead. The people accused of shooting down the plane are now running Rwanda. The UN lost the black box for a decade, stalling any investigation. But who says the UN is useless?

It was never commercially distributed, but friends and neighbors may have been fed the contaminated meat. Death penalty, anyone?

Of course, Forbes has a "Best Places to Go to Prison" list attached

When the defeated party had brought about tremendous economic reforms and the new government has to talk to the Communists in order to create a coalition, one could reasonably say that the cause of capitalism just took a step backwards

Lieutenant emptied his own M16 and 9mm pistol into a group of attacking Iraqi soldiers, then took rifles from two dead Iraqi soldiers and emptied those into more Iraqi soldiers, then used an RPG launcher to kill a few more. Wow.

She shouldn't have been allowed to graduate, but not for her dress: "I don't think nothing was wrong with the dress," eighth-grader Dannielle Fuqua said. "I wouldn't have came to school if I thought something was wrong with the dress." Someone should ask for her tuition back.

The question now: Who will condemn the attack?

The party that lost had brought huge economic growth by privatizing businesses and opening trade; the new government promises jobs, jobs, jobs; it's bad news for everyone

It's imperative that we sell the American ideal to the rest of the world

Fark Photoshop contests are usually good for a laugh (some may be inappropriate for work)

Money would be better spent on improving their job skills, not artificially inflating a handful of wages

Downside: Hub-and-spoke system generally stinks

Kuwaiti, Jordanian media at least condemned it; Syrians ignored it altogether

Wears see-through dress at Cannes film festival (photo included, so you might not open this at work)

Sent 200,000 lbs. of food

There's some big fight over what should or should not be included in an obesity document; clearly these people need real jobs

Saddam didn't let most of them use e-mail, so this is a big step forward

Parliament gave him the boot, but the courts put him back

Blocking chips could be the answer

Lots of starving people and the world's fifth-largest army

Do you really want his ghost looking over your bride?

Who says "ultra-modern" any more? Shouldn't someone?

It should be pointed out, though, that the levels in the bottled water were lower than the levels allowed in tap water

The article may be worth reading just to see the word "snogging" in a serious news report

"Ride of the Valkyries" named most dangerous song to hear while driving

Read the story again, then review the list of attacks that have happen worldwide since then

Forest fires started early this year

Mexican woman who gave herself a C-section (seriously) took three shots before the operation; mother and child survived

Those huge parking lots become serious pollution problems

"We could be better. The rest of the world could do much, much worse."

The American was a good guy; the terrorist probably responsible for dozens of attacks

Bin Laden puts a price on Kofi Annan, too

Putin vows to get "revenge"

Sunni Muslims suspected of attacking Shia Muslims

Surprise! He says the fact that it's free means people show up for even the smallest health incidents, making the system break down for those who actually need medical attention

He crushed it, cut it into pieces, and spread the remains into different garbage cans. Sounds fishy, doesn't it?

1700 people being held hostage

Is there really a punishment harsh enough for people who would murder children?

Rising violence adds $25 billion to cost of war

Lots of anxiety over terror threats

100 days to the Olympics

ABC-affiliate helicopter rolls tape as NBC-affiliate helicopter crashes; no serious injuries

Task force director says it won't be the "Office of Colonial Affairs"

Is it rational to not attack militants in "holy sites" when their terrorist compatriots have no reservations about doing the same to Americans?

A long but very good reminder of why action is necessary today

It's his second foray into politics lately; last time, he helped Schwarzenegger get elected

No surprise: 16 radical Islamic militants arrested

Is there even a suitable revenge available?

Should a doctor be held liable for not catching a disorder for which the parents would have requested an abortion?

Make sure you've updated Windows software recently

The only thing better would be a supermodel in the cockpit

They relayed blood platelets and skin grafts cross-country when all other air traffic was shut down

Canada lost two dozen ships to the Battle of the Atlantic

Doesn't think attackers knew who he was

On favoring cheap beer and hating pretentious films

Socialism grows, growth stops

Whether the work is being commanded well, it's important and will result in long-run good

Devaluing some people's labor can have serious negative consequences

James Lileks hits great points throughout his website about the classical spirit of American optimism