Gongol.com > Archive > 2005 > February 2005
"What becomes of those still living in tyranny if we cease to tell others that democracy is a superior form of government and that its tenets are universal? We cannot possibly know the answer to those questions, but we do know that the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse -- populism, nativism, protectionism, and isolationism -- served neither democracy nor peace very well the last time around." - Condoleezza Rice
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logo: Jason Beane

Gongol.com Archives: February 2005
Brian Gongol

Socialism Doesn't Work (2.11.2005)
Socialists Call Market Economies "Inhumane," "Destructive," "Ignorant"
Because China is known for its "outstanding" record on human rights, Cuba for its "productive" knowledge economy, and North Korea for its "brilliant" Nobel Prize-winning academic sector. Oh wait, they aren't.

The United States of America (2.11.2005)
Big Huff at SIU Over Movie Posters
St. Louis Post-Dispatch calls the poster "racy." It's hardly even as racy as what you'd find in the lingerie pages of a Target ad. But when it's posted over the racks for the school paper, the usual suspects get bent out of shape.

Science and Technology (2.11.2005)
Glaxo Blazingly Optimistic Over Potential Cervical-Cancer Vaccine

Computers and the Internet (2.11.2005)
Technology Modifies Tradition
Chinese send a billion (literally, one billion) text messages over the Lunar New Year holiday

Threats to Western Civilization (2.11.2005)
Speaking of Nuclear Programs
US pushes Europe to put Iran in its place over nuclear program. Iran responds with chants of "Death to America." So what exactly is the West doing for Iran's opposition movement?

Socialism Doesn't Work (2.11.2005)
US Group Demands WTO Action Against Chinese Piracy
Intellectual-property theft by Chinese manufacturers is a huge problem

Iowa (2.11.2005)
Japan Almost Ready to Resume Imports of US Beef

Socialism Doesn't Work (2.11.2005)
Ah, There It Is
The wayward North Korean "we're pulling out of talks" story comes home to roost on the English-language page of the propaganda agency's website the day after it makes big news. The original must've been issued earlier on the Korean-language section of the site. The media reporting on the original story should have made it clear that the content differed between the English and Korean versions of the site; otherwise, it gives the impression that they failed to fact-check their original stories. Time for a little game-theory analysis: If North Korea carries out nuclear tests, what next? Even the Reds in Beijing are saying they want talks to resume.
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Gongol.com -- posted 2.2.2005