Gongol.com > Archive > 2005 > March 2005
"Would you not think him an utter fool who wept because he was not alive a thousand years ago? And is he not just as much of a fool who weeps because he will not be alive a thousand years from now? It is all the same; you will not be, and you were not. Neither of these periods of time belongs to you." - Lucius Seneca
site content: Brian Gongol
logo: Jason Beane

Gongol.com Archives: March 2005
Brian Gongol

Weather and Disasters (3.9.2005)
Hurricane Slaps Australia
One of the biggest to hit Queensland in a century

Aviation News (3.9.2005)
Airlines "Competing" to Offer Best Snacks
Demise of the in-flight meal shifts competition to animal crackers and peanuts

News (3.9.2005)
Unnamed Sources Plague the NYT
From the people who bring you The Michael Jackson Trial in 50 Words a Week, it's a tally of all of the Times' anonymous/unnamed/unattributed quotes

News (3.9.2005)
Tribune Could Be Mulling a Tabloid Edition
Link from NewsDesigner.com

Science and Technology (3.9.2005)
Engineers Say US Needs to Spend $1.6 Trillion on Infrastructure by 2010
Naturally, engineers have an incentive to suggest that more money needs to be spent on their work. But it's also true that many of the big projects from the late 1960s and early 1970s are now well past a normal 20- to 30-year working life. Very low grades given to water and wastewater, where lots of new projects are needed. The cost just to bring Nebraska into compliance with new arsenic regulations is $120 million.

Water News (3.9.2005)
Golf Course Water Demand
How much an average course might use each year

Weather and Disasters (3.9.2005)
UN Says 36 Nations Face Food Shortages
Half of the shortages are caused by war and civil strife. Norman Borlaug says the system for technology transfer is broken and needs to be fixed to save poor countries.

The American Way (3.9.2005)
March 7th Carnival of the Capitalists
Some personal favorites: Threats to the dollar, a free-market praise of weblogs, and a lengthy take on mathematics in advanced economics and how there might be too much.

Computers and the Internet (3.9.2005)
How to Create Windows Icons
Also: A visual history of Windows icons
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Gongol.com -- posted 3.2005