Brian Gongol
Corpus Christi County Evacuated in Anticipation of Hurricane Rita
It's so powerful they're expecting power outages in Austin (where 15,000 evacuees might stay) and huge numbers of evacuees throughout the coastal region. One million people are on the move as Rita becomes the third strongest hurricane on record. Houston radio is available online. Even a moderate hurricane strike on Houston could be very bad news; it's the fourth-largest city in the US.
(Video) The free-love era ruined this kind of fun for everyone. Video isn't really raunchy, but it's probably not safe for work.
Authors Suing Google Over Digitization Plan
Google has been talking about putting every book everywhere on the web. But there's that pesky issue of copyright...
They're Almost Out of Hurricane Names for the Year
Next up: Letters of the Greek alphabet
Safe Landing With Really Broken Landing Gear
Obsessive Catalogue of the Oddity of the Internet
How PowerPoint May Have Killed the Columbia Astronauts
Clear thinking rarely survives the conversion to a PowerPoint slide
Baton Rouge: Twice as Large, Overnight
Still trying to figure out what to do
What the Future Used to Look Like
On the Vitality of Computer Backups
Geographic concentration of data puts that data at very high risk
Opera Browser Now Free and Ad-Free
Another good alternative to Internet Explorer
The Airchive
An online archive of airplanes, airlines, and aviation history. Very rich content.
Pan Am "Clipper Flying Cloud"
Kept at the National Air and Space Museum as an example of the first pressurized commercial aircraft that could fly above 20,000 feet. Related: A history of Pan Am's flying ships
Better Graphics, Only Much Smaller
"Sparklines" may be a way to convey graphic information in about the size of a word
A Century of Czech Design
It's too easy to forget that the Czechs had a free, progressive nation before the Nazis and Communists ruined the party
One wicked spoof
Venting Their Anger
Site lets users rate how much they want to punch various people. Some of the examples and some of the language may be inappropriate for work.
Everything About Moore's Law
NYC Cops Apparently Don't Appreciate Protesters
Rita Forecast: Even Odds It Will Stay Category 4 or Higher
Most Impressive Website Design