Brian Gongol

The Big Question: Are Katrina Evacuees Going Home, Or Are They Permanently Staying Wherever They Went?

New Orleans Not the Only American City in a Bad Location
Billings, Montana, as it turns out, is in a lousy spot for bad weather

San Diego's City Finances "Like a Third-World Mess"
When things are bad in good times, where's the reserve for unforeseen disasters?

Kids Prefer Life-Skill PE to Conventional Games
Program emphasizing activities like bike-riding helped fat kids slim down

Dealing with Under-Used Publicly-Funded Stadiums

Math Group Happy with CBS Show "Numbers"
Pleased that mathematicians are represented as "real human beings". Now if only the supposed "economist" President Bartlet in the West Wing weren't an economic idiot.

Economic-Development Incentives: Now Robbing Eastern Half of One State to Subsidize the Western Half
Tennessee gives big incentives to Carrier to expand plant in western half of state to "create" 300 jobs...but the company fired 800 others in the eastern half

Utah Governor Says the Sensible Thing About Immigration
Gov. Huntsman: "I think the emotion of the issues exceeds the reality"

Whistle-Blowers in Denver City Government Afraid of Repercussions
Systems for fighting corruption become very difficult to maintain as organizations grow larger

DARPA Offers $2 Million Prize to Drive a Robot Across the Desert
Winner appears to be a Volkswagen robot designed at Stanford. Course includes dirt roads and dry lake beds, and was kept a secret until just before the race. Inducement prizes are just about the best way for the public sector (and individuals) to finance rapid research and development.

Quake in Pakistan Kills 19,000
Magnitude 7.6; 43,000 injured

How Education Influences Earnings in Japan, South Korea, US

Uh...Bob? How About a Go-Around?
(Video) Korean 747 tries to land sideways