Brian Gongol

Putin Invites Hamas to Visit Moscow

Poland to Belarus: Show the Love!
Belarussian state media accuse Poland of spying; Poland says it just wants to keep the heat on the authoritarian government there

Reducing Unemployment By Splitting Jobs
Czech government wants full-time workers in low-wage jobs to go half-time; the other half would go to someone on the unemployment rolls, while the person giving up the half-job would get paid to work in the non-profit sector or go back to school

White House Says Al Qaeda Wanted to Pull a 9/11 Redux in Los Angeles
Reportedly planned to use Southeast Asian recruits in order to reduce suspicion

EU Commissioner Asks Media to "Self-Regulate"
They're thinking of creating a non-binding charter of "prudence" for journalists. Related: Hackers have defaced Danish websites over the cartoon spat.