Brian Gongol

1,500-Lb. Bull Shocked with a Taser

Who Immigrates to the United States?
Biggest sources of immigrants to the US in FY2004, by region:
Europe: United Kingdom (14,915), Poland (14,250), Ukraine (13,655)
Asia: India (70,116), Philippines (57,827), China (51,156)
Africa: Nigeria (9,374), Ethiopia (8,237), Egypt (5,522)
Oceania: Australia (1,592), Fiji (1,592), New Zealand (1,131)
North America: Mexico (175,364), Dominican Republic (30,492), El Salvador (29,795)
South America: Colombia (18,678), Peru (11,781), Brazil (10,504)

Houston Police Chief Wants Surveillance Cameras Everywhere
Chief Harold Hurtt falls back on the tired old "If you're not doing anything wrong, why should you worry about it?" line. Here's the answer: Sometimes the government is in the wrong, and the right thing to do may be illegal. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s civil disobedience was illegal, but it certainly was the right thing to do. Did he need the government watching him, tapping his phones, or (were the technology around) reading his e-mail? Privacy is a fundamental right guaranteed by the 9th and 10th Amendments to the Constitution.

Hospitalized Kids to be Treated by Hugging AI-Equipped Robot

New Orleans to Houston: Thanks for the Help, Now Please Keep the Freeloaders
New Orleans City Council President: "We don't need soap opera watchers right now. We're going to target the people who are going to work." But does that mean Houston has to take care of them? The troubles of the welfare state become more obvious.

Prince Charles in a Che Guevara Hat
The nonsense the prince espouses: He opposes genetically-modified crops (even though they keep millions of people from starving) and embraces "traditional architecture." What good fortune the British have that they get to support the royal family.

ESPN's Hottest Female Athletes