Brian Gongol

Bandwidth Speed Tests

Twice As Many Americans Can Name a Pair of "Simpsons" Characters as a Pair of First Amendment Rights

Ireland Profits from Bilingualism
High rate of second-language mastery an attraction for firms like

People Decide Whether They Like Websites in 50 Milliseconds
Aesthetic appeal is evaluated faster than most sites can load and makes a huge difference whether visitors stick around

Britain Reversing Reputation for Bad Teeth
Why the historical reputation? Industrialization, in part -- city laborers ate more sugar. And a certain social pressure not to look like one worked too hard at personal hygiene.

Dance Dance Revolution Meets E-Mail
Microsoft researchers think they can get people to do more exercise at work by giving them big footpads that act as user-input devices. Don't hold your breath. (Their sample size was only ten, which is simply too small for a statistical sample.)