Gongol.com Archives: June 2006
Brian Gongol

Socialism Doesn't Work (2006.06.13)
Fraud consumes 16% of post-hurricane FEMA budget
Sex-change operations, football tickets, and "Girls Gone Wild" videos all bought on the taxpayers' dime

News (2006.06.13)
London police didn't find what they expected in anti-terrorism raid
Apology issued to the brothers who were detained

Humor and Good News (2006.06.13)
70,000 beer cans in one townhouse

Science and Technology (2006.06.13)
The changing face of road signs
The Federal Highway Administration has adopted a new font called Clearview that is supposed to be much more legible than current highway-sign fonts

Humor and Good News (2006.06.13)
Alligator knocks on front door of house
The homeowners think he wanted their teriyaki chicken

Computers and the Internet (2006.06.13)
E-mail worm takes advantage of problem with Javascript in Yahoo Mail
Another reminder that it's important to run computers on limited-access accounts

News (2006.06.13)
How to make a mayoral campaign as exciting as voting in a TV contest

The United States of America (2006.06.13)
Byrd sets new record for Senate longevity
The amount of pork he's funneled in that time is profound

News (2006.06.13)
Nature abhors a vacuum of power
So out of chaos in Somalia comes Sharia law

News (2006.06.13)
Plans to show World Cup on big screens ruined by drunkards

News (2006.06.13)
President makes surprise visit to Baghdad
But would he stay in a Baghdad hotel?

The American Way (2006.06.13)
June 12, 2006 Carnival of the Capitalists
Some of the best: Fixing Britain's political system by making it more American, how Budweiser may be making a mistake at the World Cup, thoughts on trusting the experts, and how to lose money by taking TV advice.

The American Way (2006.06.13)
June 5, 2006 Carnival of the Capitalists
Some of the best: How billing for time is a bad idea, how the patent backlog is hurting the economy, how to make jet fuel from coal, Saudi Arabia's plans for an impossible risk-free market, and terrorism as economic warfare.

Socialism Doesn't Work (2006.06.13)
Wal-Mart to Chicago: We'd like to move in, but not with high minimum wages
Wal-Mart says it wants to build 10 to 20 stores in the city, but the city council is working on a proposal to set a minimum wage of $10 an hour, plus $3 an hour in benefits. It's hard to understand why Chicago's city aldermen don't get this extremely clear example of the relationship between minimum wages and unemployment.

News (2006.06.13)
UK's new "Europe Minister" will try to justify his job tomorrow
Says "My aim is to [...] rekindle interest in the European Union." In 2006, governments that try to consolidate rather than diffuse power and responsibility are headed for trouble.

Iowa (2006.06.13)
Examples of eminent-domain claims in Iowa
Governor Vilsack has adopted a position that threatens property rights in the name of "economic development." The simple fact is that eminent-domain claims can be easily abused and should be rarely applied. If someone's land is important enough or valuable enough for an alternative use, then the people proposing that alternative use should probably be willing to come to the table with enough money to make the sale worthwhile.

Water news: Nebraska wants drought disaster declaration
Graphics: The Dog Ate My Homework