Brian Gongol

Three of the most urgent needs in a disaster

Public health used to be decentralized, but "since 9/11 we have destroyed it and tried to replace it with a vertically organized Incident Command Structure and its chain of command. This makes particularly bad sense for responding to pandemic disease." A point much larger than just public health.

The rise and fall of Howard Johnson's from ice-cream shop to hotels

"they ultimately decided to run the demo against a Mac due to what Maynor called the 'Mac user base aura of smugness on security.'"

Chris should be a hurricane within 24 hours

Truth or fiction? Sometimes it's hard to tell. But he's not Castro.

State school board candidates will be made up mainly of people who aren't creationists

Man writes book about Tibet and democracy, gets 10-year prison sentence. A fifth of the world's population lives under that government.

The president said Iraq would handle its own security by the end of the year