Brian Gongol

10 killed, 50 injured in an attack on a largely Asian market

Suggests that the spread of many broadly-defined human rights may be best achieved through a subtle and perhaps cautious integration with the existing interpretation of morality

Internet Explorer has been a naughty, naughty child with regard to its cooperation with CSS (cascading style sheets) in the past; if true, this announcement means that websites written to standards will look right, no matter whether the user is viewing them with IE, Firefox, Opera, or another standards-compliant browser. This is very good news.

The whole budgetary process in Congress right now is sorely broken -- clearly, almost every politician is trying to get more out of the cookie jar than they think their taxpayers put in. That's why we have an absurdly imbalanced budget. If every state were responsible for more of its own budget, it would be a lot harder to get into trouble like the kind we're in...and scientific research funded by Congress would have to compete on merit, rather than on individual Congressmembers' favors.

The sandwich that could serve both as a prisoner's last meal and as his means of execution