Gongol.com Archives: September 2006
Brian Gongol

September 6, 2006

Computers and the Internet Rating the most popular business and economics websites
The rankings seem to have gotten lots of recent attention, so they have been updated with the latest figures

Humor and Good News Don't feed your dog with your pants down
71 comments so far on a strange man's really weak excuse, and almost all of them are from the locals

Broadcasting High-speed chase in Des Moines almost wrecks TV news van
It's video that will someday be seen on "World's Wildest Police Chases MCMXVIII"

Water News Stormwater management a matter of life and death

News Irish president wants Ireland to stop drinking so much

The United States of America Performance vs. performing arts
Why the US could use a little more substance from its leadership

News Tony Blair's #2 can't wait for him to go

Health New tuberculosis strains could be worse than bird flu
"Extreme drug-resistant TB" is fatal much more often than conventional TB and it isn't easily treated using current therapies for TB

Socialism Doesn't Work Chinese prime minister: Prosperity now, democracy later
The spread of capitalistic values alone will be enough (in the long run) to disrupt the Chinese political system and bring about a more democratic future. Once people start to really understand the concept of owning the product of their labor, they'll start to demand that they also get to keep the products of their own thoughts -- and that's the point at which market rights make people conscious of their human rights.

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