Gongol.com Archives: September 2006
Brian Gongol

September 14, 2006

Threats and Hazards Poverty worse than a decade ago in Northern Ireland
If report is accurate, then it's an early warning sign that violence could return

Health Bionic arms now respond to users' thoughts
Among other groups, the 450 or so amputees from the Global War on Terrorism could benefit

Water News Most US water systems will need replacement over next 30 years

Graphics Laser Write

Weather and Disasters Understanding how people escape disaster
Perhaps the biggest problem is that the default is to move to herd mentality. Small groups get out faster because they take less time to think. Moreover, it's difficult to get the word out about the nature of a disaster in adequate time for the potential victims to respond.

News The evolution of the New Yorker's 9/11 cover

Humor and Good News Maybe I'm just a butterfly with bad money-management skills

Agriculture How Borlaug saved a billion lives
Surely more worthwhile reading than accounts of Britney's latest baby