Brian Gongol

And declare asylum. It may take them a while to yank benefits from cheaters.

Related: What's the future of irrigation?

December 13, 1981 was a watershed day -- when the Communist government of Poland declared martial law in response to unrest led by the opposition movement. The subsequent months included and rations and shortages, just as one might expect. The victims of Communism deserve to be remembered.

German politicians are proposing a new law to make "cruel violence on humans" in video games an actual real-life offense. Meanwhile, some in Congress want to tax transactions in "Second Life". The virtual world is getting pretty concrete.

Minnesota grocers want the state to repeal a rule requiring that liquor be sold in a given municipality either in city-owned stores or in private stores, but not both. Some towns make up to half a million dollars each year selling liquor, and putting a ban on private sales naturally helps cement the monopoly. Isn't the whole idea just a little too Communistic?

International Civil Aviation Organization plans to let airline co-pilots build up the bulk of their training hours in simulators rather than real aircraft.