Brian Gongol

They're producing conventional petroleum, while Iowa focuses on biofuels like ethanol and biodiesel.

Minneapolis Star-Tribune sold for half what the owners paid eight years ago. And that's not counting inflation.

Among girls, "Jasmine", "Camryn", and "Trinity" beat out "Erin"

His presidency wasn't really much to get excited about, but it seems the consensus is that he was a person of decent character. The death announcement was made on the website of Ford's Presidential Library. The Ford Administration was a time of 70% marginal tax rates and "Whip Inflation Now". Inflation went nuts in the 1970s, in part due to out-of-control energy prices -- the dollar lost half of its real value from 1970 to 1980. He deserved credit for dismissing polls as a barometer of what was the right thing to do. Many will forget that you'd have to be 32 years old today to have even been alive at the time he pardoned Nixon.