Brian Gongol

Approaches range from the subdued (CNN) to the tabloid (Fox)

No more printed version for subscribers of the "Post-och Inrikes Tidningar" of Sweden

A modest proposal for Palestinians who actually want peace: Follow the Irish Republican model

Right about average, according to a college-style grading scale

A vote for Senator Obama is a vote for old socialistic platitudes: No reform for Social Security, no real fix for Medicare, and no freedom of trade. On economic policy, the Senator has nothing to offer. John Edwards also promises more socialism.

Bad roads make it really hard to conduct business, which gets in the way of development

What it's like being a Cuban-American with family split between Cuba and the United States -- and then trying to reunify the two. It's 2006 and Communism is still the law of the land in Cuba.

Visiting great architecture while high on prescription drugs

9th Circuit court approved the investigation, which says that about 100 baseball players have used performance-enhancing drugs. A good point on the subject: It's not all about Barry Bonds. There are hundreds and hundreds of players in Major League Baseball, some of whom may have turned to steroids just to make the cut. Under those conditions, it may be more like truckers using amphetamines than a question of cheating one's way to star performance -- not that either of those is a good choice.

Make your charitable contributions, take capital losses if necessary, and get retirement documentation in place

Including this one

Iowa's 9% income tax with lots of exemptions probably lends itself to plenty of abuse that isn't possible in states with lower, flatter taxes without many exemptions