Gongol.com Archives: February 2007
Brian Gongol

February 1, 2007

Graphics Graphic of the day: I'd Rather Be Dead Than Red

Health CDC will issue hurricane-style warnings for flu pandemic

Socialism Doesn't Work Revealed preferences: "The Nation" can't make a profit

Water News Iowa House considers $200,000 for fixing low-head dams

Socialism Doesn't Work Chavez becomes official dictator of Venezuela
The national assembly has turned over the power of rule-by-decree for 18 months. It's time to step up international broadcasting efforts and aggressively re-engage Latin America.

Threats and Hazards Under-secretary of state accuses Iran of smuggling weapons to Iraq
If this keeps up, we can kiss $2-a-gallon gasoline goodbye

News France bans smoking in the workplace
No word on whether the office two-drink minimum will remain in effect

Gongol.com original content
The American Way February update to the EconDirectory

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