Brian Gongol

3500 of the units will be shipped in the first round, with more to come later this year. The first recipient countries are Argentina, Brazil, Libya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Thailand and Uruguay.

Ripping off the wire services, on the other hand, does not. And the Internet probably aggravates that: Anyone can get wire copy for free anywhere and anytime. Why in the world would a person voluntarily wait to get it the next morning and pay for it, too?

That a lot of these plans show up in PowerPoint slides is a bad sign; PowerPoint slides aren't exactly conducive to clear thinking. And those original plans may have missed assumptions like arms shipments to Iraqi factions from Iran. If PowerPoint slides were banned forever, and everyone were forced to actually write clear, detailed reports instead, it's worth wondering whether government (and the military) would operate differently.

"Anne Frank could today be a 77-year-old woman living in Boston." Immigration into a nation like the United States ought to be open to just about anyone who shares American ideals -- life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, not one's nation of origin, ethnic identity, or religion, ought to be the determinant of one's ability to come here.