Gongol.com Archives: March 2007
Brian Gongol

March 7, 2007

Graphics Graphic of the day: Hasten

The United States of America Sen. Hagel will announce political plans on Monday
He's gaining more favorable attention all the time, and he provides a good alternative for conservatives who have been alienated by social right-wingers who push a big-government agenda. He's also going to attend what looks a lot like a candidate forum. Among the possible 2008 Presidential candidates, he's one of the few real defenders of the free market.

Aviation News Investigation keeps producers of "JAG" from attacking America with leftover F-14's
An investigation found that several old F-14 fighters, which had been retired from military service, had been sold without being properly "demilitarized." And since Iran still uses F-14's, the government got concerned that some of the new owners, including air museums and the producer of the show "JAG", might somehow get weak-kneed and sell off the old planes to the Iranians. Whoops.

Science and Technology Camera flashes from upside-down
Does it make for a better portrait? Maybe.

Water News Water shortages could choke Las Vegas

Aviation News 96 people survive plane crash; 21 die
Freelance cameraman among those in the crash; once he got out, he started filming

Business and Finance Southern states finding that economic-incentive packages just aren't working
The whole economic-development incentives system is badly broken and needs to be jettisoned. Addressed in more detail as a chapter in Ten Big Answers You Won't Get from a Politician.

Broadcasting Royalty hike for Internet music radio could kill online stations

The United States of America Soon, we'll just pick nominees as soon as the election's over
19 states (including California) want to get early primaries, meaning that half of the country would have voted for their Presidential candidates by February

Business and Finance How long can cheap credit persist?
And how long before tightened credit standards poke a hole in consumer spending?

The United States of America Fixing immigration not just about Latin Americans
It's widely forgotten that immigrants come to the US from all over the world, including rich countries like Ireland. The US can easily handle more people, so why are so many people knee-jerk nativists? Doesn't it make sense for us to welcome anyone who shares the American values of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?

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