Gongol.com Archives: March 2007
Brian Gongol

March 21, 2007

Graphics Graphic of the day: Watching You

Computers and the Internet Mozilla releases security update to Firefox
Bumps users up to and Most will get it automatically

The United States of America UNI Tae Kwon-Do Club raising funds for American Cancer Society
It's a worthy charity

Weather and Disasters Highway overpasses are terrible tornado shelters
Unless you want to die, that is

Water News Rivers in north-central Iowa still flooding

News 107 killed in Russian coal mine

Socialism Doesn't Work Another multi-million-dollar "incentive" plan
Wellmark might get a $20 million incentive package from West Des Moines if it moves its headquarters out of downtown Des Moines. What's the point? "Economic development" incentives are almost always bad for taxpayers.

News US ambassador thinks the end is near for Mugabe

Humor and Good News Porky Pig swears
(Video) An oldie but a goodie

Weather and Disasters 1" hail in West Des Moines this morning

Humor and Good News And the award for best use of The Who in a newcast goes to...
(Video) Newscast uses loop of "Eminence Front" as its theme song
