Gongol.com Archives: March 2007
Brian Gongol

March 23, 2007

Graphics Graphic of the day: I Spy

Water News Weekend could bring flooding in Iowa

Socialism Doesn't Work Nanny state coming to get you

Iowa Vilsack expected to endorse Sen. Clinton on Monday

News UK plans to make school compulsory through age 18
With big on-the-spot fines for anyone who isn't in school

Aviation News Baby Boomers get their way in the cockpit
Proposal is going through "public comments" stage (Docket Number 26139) now. So far, there have been almost 6,000 public comments and a lot of debate on message boards.

Threats and Hazards Tactlessness in the Gulf
Iran takes 15 British sailors hostage. UK says they were in Iraqi territorial waters.

News New York Times tower about 95% done
They spent an extra $4 million to harden the structural steel just in case of another terrorist attack on the city

Business and Finance Jim Cramer admits to illegal stock manipulation
Shouldn't really be a surprise coming from a guy who hosts a show called "Mad Money." Anyone who gets into the stock market looking to make a quick buck is a speculator who deserves to get spanked once in a while, anyway.

Broadcasting Microsoft uses guerrilla tactics to disrupt PS3 launch in Europe
Chairs with Xbox website printed on them and an Xbox-branded boat traveling on the Seine

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