Gongol.com Archives: March 2007
Brian Gongol

March 28, 2007

Water News Problems with storm drainage cause mud buildup in Valley Junction

Graphics Graphic of the day: Breaking Out

Threats and Hazards "It is simply not true that they went into Iranian territorial waters"
UK's foreign secretary says Iran's own report says that the captured British sailors never went into Iranian territorial waters and that Iran changed its story after the fact. Meanwhile, the female crewmember is being paraded on Iranian television to talk about the event. Other countries in the region (perhaps preemptively) are saying they won't assist the US in case of conflict with Iran, and a Russian report says the US is planning airstrikes against Iran. Retired General Barry McCaffrey says the military is "in a position of strategic peril" because of Iraq.

Broadcasting Remote radio broadcasts
What it's like to do a show in one town from studios in another

Gongol.com original content
The United States of America What's wrong with campaign logos?

Science and Technology The continued spread of green roofs

Computers and the Internet An excellent use of Google Maps: MapMyRun.com

News Harvard sort-of considers Bill Gates a graduate

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