Brian Gongol
Graphic of the day: Roll On
Iowa governor's worst idea
PowerPoint is evil enough on its own
But now terrorists are using it to train each other in how to build car bombs
Cable company accidentally shows Playboy network in place of BBC
Related: One of the hosts of "Top Gear" rides a bicycle whenever he needs to commute
"I am proud to be paying taxes in the United States. The only thing is - I could be just as proud for half the money."
Nuclear fusion is closer than ever before
Researchers are figuring out how to fire off a big electrical device powerful enough to perpetuate nuclear fusion
Do chlorine tanker cars put Americans at risk of terrorism?
Google gets in trouble for moving borders between Chile and Argentina
The colossally-useful Google Maps seems to be the source of some headaches for the company, especially after the recent flap over which set of New Orleans photos to use.
Britain's going to run out of landfill space in the next ten years
So local governments are talking about collecting the trash only every two weeks in order to discourage people from throwing things away. And, bizarre as it sounds, the cops are getting in on the action.
Iranian police hold fashion show
But it's not a charity event -- it's intended to enforce the oppressive and absurd clothing regulations on the books in the country. Government doesn't have the right to tell ordinary people what to wear, unless what they wear puts other people at risk. Jeans and a t-shirt hardly qualify.
Compact fluorescent bulbs: Hard on the eyes, but harder on the landfill
MySpace photo keeps college student from getting a degree
Chicago's a great town, but...
One ought to have suspicions that something's bad when a former US Senator gets mugged
"This is not an appropriate children's book"
Gaer wins West Des Moines mayoral election
QuickTime exposes Macs and PCs alike to security flaw
This on the heels of a huge Mac patch bundle issued in mid-April