Gongol.com Archives: July 2007
Brian Gongol

July 5, 2007

Graphics Graphic of the day: Discovery

News Study says, despite stereotypes, women really don't talk more than men

News Putin swallows pride, speaks English, gets 2014 Winter Olympics
The head of the committee trying to win the bid says, "The Games will help Russia's transition as a young democracy." That's probably overstating the case at least a little. Sochi is on the Black Sea, closer to the Ukraine than to Moscow. Before getting too overjoyed about winning the Games, they might want to check with London, which is footing an astronomical bill for the 2012 Summer Olympics.

Computers and the Internet Estimate: Apple's profit margin on iPhone is more than 50%

News Canada's new top Mountie...has never been a Mountie

Agriculture Nestle chairman worried that biofuels plus China equals higher food prices

Weather and Disasters The derecho -- a really bizarre straight-line wind

Computers and the Internet July's Patch Tuesday will include another set of "critical" updates for Windows users

Broadcasting Another reason to save the VOA
Kidnapped journalist listened to BBC World Service broadcasts to keep himself sane during captivity. The fact is that the Internet is only one of many ways in which people gather information, and in many parts of the world, radio has almost exclusive reach. International broadcasting is a profoundly efficient method of conducting diplomacy, and the US should be proud of the longstanding service of the Voice of America and other news-based services like Radio Free Europe.

The American Way Beijing gets BlackBerry
China's government has approved the sale of BlackBerry devices. The potential aid this could give to dissident groups is enormous: In Poland, the Solidarity movement had to rely upon printed newspapers to undermine the Communist government. In the Soviet Union, the emergence of fax machines helped topple Communism. Putting BlackBerry devices into the hands of the Chinese could be revolutionary. Related: Black-market CDs are being circulated in India containing hundreds of VIPs' cell phone numbers.

Science and Technology Forecast: TVs on standby mode will consume 1.4% of all UK electricity by 2020
In related environmental news, Land Rover says it's going to start building low-emissions SUVs

Science and Technology Science lost a bunch of dinosaur fossils because some people still believe in dragons

Water News Risk to Ogallala Aquifer from climate change

Iowa Midnight Madness in Ames: It's completely insane

Business and Finance Canada appears to have a housing bubble
Average price appreciation on the range of 15% a year

Humor and Good News Obscure band from the 70's sues Avril Lavigne over lyrical use of "Hey you"

Humor and Good News The war on terrorism has a new slogan

Health Fat kids are having early heart problems
And a study says that school nurses may be the only ones with enough regular contact with children to be able to raise the warning flag in time

Threats and Hazards Government in Philippines says journalists can be wiretapped

The United States of America Independence Day fireworks finale in DC
(Video) Some pretty spectacular pyrotechnics. Speaking of what a great country this is, who knew that Soviet immigrant and Branson-based comedian Yakov Smirnoff is a painter?

Weather and Disasters The worst-hit city in England?
Hull, a town of 250,000 people, has been clobbered by England's recent flooding, and the city government says it's being ignored by the rest of the country. As the US has learned in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, letting a flooded city wallow isn't a smart decision.

Humor and Good News Bizarre but hilarious blending of "Star Trek" and "Simpsons" theme songs
(Video) A large portion of the fun comes from the use of the Theremin, a wacky instrument that is never touched by the musician. Related: The real-life Kwik-E-Mart, a shameless promotion of the upcoming Simpsons movie.

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