Gongol.com Archives: September 2007
Brian Gongol

September 3, 2007

Graphics Graphic of the day: Hunger

Broadcasting Show notes from today's "Mickelson in the Morning" on WHO Radio

Agriculture Borlaug angry about too much talk, too little action on hunger in Africa
Meanwhile, they're breaking ground on the Borlaug Research Center this week

Threats and Hazards Iran claims it's running enough centrifuges to produce a nuclear bomb in 11 months
It puts the United States and the rest of the world in a complex situation: While no one wants the current leadership in Iran to get the bomb (even French President Sarkozy has stepped up to indicate that military force may be brought to bear against such a prospect), the United States isn't exactly sitting atop a pile of available resources with which to act against it. So while President Bush and Iran's President Ahmadinejad are making veiled threats at one another, the world needs to know whether things are about to get dicey. Israel, for instance, may very well act on its own, with or without the rest of the world's consent -- which wouldn't be surprising, given that Iran's missile arsenal can almost certainly reach all of Israel.

Weather and Disasters Hurricane Felix goes from zero to Category 5 practically overnight
The National Hurricane Center calls it "potentially catastrophic"

Iowa No one has mined any coal in Iowa since 1995
Production in the state peaked in 1918, and it's estimated that 95% of the state's original endowment of coal is still in the ground. Food for thought in an era when we've been caught up in the biofuels boom: This kind of industry never lasts forever. And it should also be noted that we still have $26 million in unfunded problems leftover from the coal-mining days.

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