Brian Gongol

That seems a little bleak, though the pace of computing progress certainly means that we'll face ethical questions in the not-too-distant future that we've not considered as a species. In fact, we seem to spend very little time looking toward the long-term, except for people like Ian Pearson.

Chicago will be one of the first markets to get the Arbitron "portable people meter," which should do a vastly better job of handling radio ratings than the current diary method

Because they're Internet-enabled, they could provide an attack route for crooks to follow. Trend Micro, an online security service, has announced that it's going to offer a free security service for PlayStation 3.

Energy use in commercial buildings is supposed to rise by about 50% between now and 2030

No one seems to be able to figure out what North Korea thinks it can do with giant rabbits -- especially since they represent a net loss in calories (hay and feed in exceed meat out)