Brian Gongol

And it's not somewhere nice.

They might forget that English-speaking writers in other countries have access to things like e-mail that could make replacing the Hollywood writers easy

There's no way around two facts: First, Americans are (on average) absolutely terrible about saving for the future. Second, we have to change that if we're to have any hope of living in a society with a growing economy. We just can't borrow forever.

Iowans are still mourning the loss of the AE cows, so the indecision is understandable. Perhaps we'll all just drop out of the race together.

When capuchin monkeys saw their buddies getting better rewards than they got for themselves for executing the same task, they started slacking off. One can draw one's own conclusions about how this may relate to the labor strikes in France, where public-sector workers are mad that the government is planning to cut the pension benefits that allowed some of them to retire with full pensions at age 50.