Brian Gongol

The most important rule of all: Start saving and investing while young, preferably by age 22

An article highlighting the very serious issue of sexual assault on college campuses attracts dozens of idiotic replies on everything from videotaping one's own sexual encounters to left-right flame wars

But perhaps not quite as odd as the story of the man who got stuck in a bathroom for four days

Former Governor Huckabee has reiterated his stand on homosexuality, and in the process has leaned on the argument that a "proper" relationship involves a heterosexual couple having kids. The hole in that argument emerges when heterosexual couples either cannot have children or choose not to. By the marriage-for-procreation-alone argument, those couples are letting God down -- presumably in the same way as a homosexual couple, since neither is contributing to the peopling of the Earth. That seems to be a rather crude defense of any institution. No satisfactory logical argument has yet emerged that excludes monogamous gay couples from the right to some sort of civil union without simultaneously condemning childless couples. Is that enough reason alone to allow civil unions for homosexuals? Perhaps, or perhaps not. But the argument that marriage has to be "defended" against those who can't naturally procreate seems needlessly cruel.

Dimitry Medvedev is not a member of any party, so is eligible for (and has gotten) the endorsements of all four pro-Kremlin parties and is highly likely to get the job next year

They're initiating an official process to get rid of outdated and arcane regulations