Brian Gongol
Platte River recovery will cost at least $187 million
Today is self-examination day
A monthly reminder for men to conduct a testicular self-exam and for women to conduct a breast exam
Chinese subway ad encourages people to quit public transit and buy cars
Climate change caused by global warming may or may not be the fault of human activity. But one thing is quite certain: Once Americans realize en masse that they're no longer the world's biggest producers of greenhouse gases and air pollution, and that they have been out-polluted by both India and China, there will be a lot more public support for international measures to change how we manage those pollutants.
Cheap memory and competition may drive down iPhone prices by a big margin soon
Make St. Patrick's Day a national holiday in the US
Forecasting the quality of a cell-phone signal
There are websites dedicated to reviews of cell-phone towers. Imagine: That kind of consumer information not only helps individuals plan for what they might need, but also applies pressure to the phone companies, forcing them to respond to poor performance. Free markets get that done.
Monsanto pledges $5 million to turn old Des Moines library into World Food Prize headquarters
US formally recognizes Kosovo
It's the birth of a nation, though the State Department says what happened in Kosovo was unique and shouldn't be expected elsewhere