Brian Gongol

Sam Zell, who led the buyout of the Tribune Company (which owns the Cubs and the Friendly Confines) wants the Wrigley Co. to ante up for naming rights to the field. So far, the company hasn't announced plans to do so, but one can only imagine how upset Cubs fans would be if someone tried to rename the field. It's had the name since 1926. when the Wrigley family owned the team. One sportswriter says any naming rights would be moot, anyway. The Wrigley Field sign has to remain up no matter what.f

It's supposed to be twice as tall as the Burj Dubai, which is speeding towards becoming the world's tallest building -- even though no one outside the project knows how tall it's supposed to be when it's finished

Excellent 21-minute segment from "Frontline" this week highlights the political climate in Russia -- and it's unsettling

An online survey over which should feature on the cover of the April "Air and Space Smithsonian" magazine has a single-engine propeller plane in the lead over the B1 bomber

(Video) Homo sapiens has been evolving for 195,000 years, and this is the pinnacle?