Gongol.com Archives: August 2008
Brian Gongol

August 19, 2008

The United States of America Flashback to the start of the Presidential campaign
In March 2007, it was noted here that only two Presidential campaigns had put any effort whatsoever into their campaign logos. Those campaigns: Obama and McCain. Interesting that those two have emerged as the major-party candidates. Also interesting is that the McCain campaign hasn't come up with a compelling counter-brand to the Obama "O" piece. It's a great brand mark, in that it's used relentlessly (in part because it's a circle and thus doesn't get stretched or squeezed like a rectangle would) and could be used after November 4th. McCain's campaign needs to take its military-style star and put it behind something that suggests "liberty", like (for instance) the head of the Statue of Liberty. It needs to fit in a square so it can be scaled up and down in size, and it needs to suggest something about liberty. The star needs to stay, since it recalls his military service and suggests that someone competent is in charge.

Business and Finance UK could get a per-mile tax
Per-mile driving taxes can be an efficient way of paying for road construction and maintenance, but their usefulness depends upon how those miles are measured. If, as the Brits appear to be considering, those taxes are assessed by freedom-threatening monitors and surveillance tools, then the trade-off probably isn't worth it. But a simple odometer census would be a much smarter and more liberty-friendly way of assessing fees for road use. (This subject is explored in depth in "Ten Big Answers You Won't Get from a Politician".)

Computers and the Internet Why computer security updates are so important
Microsoft's August security update, which came out a week ago, included at least six different patches to correct security problems that could've allowed crooks to attack users' computers without any warning or action at all on the part of the user. In other words, pure victimization.

Business and Finance Mark Cuban appears to be high bidder for Cubs
For Cuban to buy the team would probably be the best available option. It would have been even better had the Tribune Company decided to keep the team, or if a group of local investors had come in with an organized fan-ownership campaign (in the style of the Green Bay Packers), but the efforts to do so never really got off the ground and Cuban probably understands the importance of the team's mystique as well as any prospective owner could.

Humor and Good News Giving people the benefit of the doubt

Water News Tropical storm lands in Florida
