Brian Gongol

Letterman himself wants to keep doing "The Late Show" for at least a little while after his current contract runs out in 2010.

Just about everything we need to know about the rise of great longevity can be summed up in one quote from the head of a British gerontology group: "The short, deadly diseases that used to kill us off are being replaced by conditions such as arthritis and living after a stroke. They're not life-threatening but they affect our quality of life."

28-year-old package carrier buys a Nikon Coolpix camera on eBay, then tries to download some vacation snapshots. Discovers a bunch of secret files from MI6, the British secret intelligence agency. Gets visit from the authorities and cash for a replacement camera. Turns into another case study in why trusting the government with your private information -- like with biometric ID cards -- is probably a bad idea. If they can't protect national security secrets better than that, how could they be expected to do better with stuff that isn't even classified?