Gongol.com Archives: December 2008
Brian Gongol

December 3, 2008

Business and Finance Just in case you weren't sure the last election was a victory for branding
The President-elect's election campaign (and, perhaps, 2012 re-election campaign) is trying to help the Democratic National Committee pay off $15 million in debt by selling Obama-branded coffee mugs. The success of the Obama brand represents a truly remarkable event in the history of marketing. Related: It should tell us at least a little bit about the role of image in politics that the Boston Globe actually bothered to create a video about Mitt Romney's hair and others created "Proposition 8: The Musical".

The American Way December 2008 update to the EconDirectory
More than 230 sources for commentary on economics, where such matters as the threat of inflation and the credit bubble are thoroughly hashed out each day.

Humor and Good News Cops in Britain will start using bubble wands to calm drunks
As silly as it might sound on the surface, it's probably not a bad idea to do something cheap and simple to give the inebriated something to fixate upon when they leave the bars

Science and Technology A video introduction to the Myers-Briggs personality inventory
Short, sweet, and to the point

Water News How to pay for $2.5 billion in infrastructure

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