Gongol.com Archives: February 2009
Brian Gongol

February 25, 2009

News Iran's much-watched Bushehr nuclear plant is ready for testing

The American Way "The only thing that can sustain high wages is high skills"
Michigan is discovering that the quality of a state's educational system determines the relative earnings power of its residents. And we're quite clearly in a time when well-educated and highly-skilled people are in high demand -- and unskilled people are of rapidly-diminishing use to most firms. It's time to end the delusion of modern "economic development" incentives and get back to holding government accountable for taking care of basic infrastructure and good schools. If those are in place, then a skilled workforce will result, which will do a magnificent job -- on its own -- of attracting businesses, as well as developing new ones. Trust organic economic growth -- that is, growth that takes place because the economic environment is right. Distrust any business that has to be bribed to move in -- or bribed to keep from moving out.

Humor and Good News Belgian researchers think they've found a gene that stops colon cancer

The United States of America Would California be better off in smaller pieces?

Computers and the Internet The $27,000 football experience
A guy waiting for a cruise ship to depart used his wireless Internet service to watch a Bears game over his Slingbox. The card connected to the wrong network and plugged him into a satellite-based service, which charged him $27,788.93. Then again, tickets to next year's Super Bowl are already selling on StubHub for $9,169.

Computers and the Internet Too much time "friending" online could hurt the brain
But if anyone suggests that government should step in to start regulating the use of social-networking websites just to "protect" users from the possible psychological effects, then it's time to run screaming for the ballot box.

Computers and the Internet Crooks hack online-advertising network
And use it to put malware on eWeek.com, a popular site for information-technology professionals. Serves as a good reminder to run Windows computers from limited-access accounts whenever possible.

Broadcasting Podcast: In which tornadoes, volcanoes, and hurricanes are contrasted
(Audio file)

Water News Governors want reforms to infrastructure funding

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