Gongol.com Archives: June 2009
Brian Gongol

June 3, 2009

Broadcasting Too sexy for HDTV
TV anchors are finding out that HDTV makes their old makeup habits obsolete. Bad for TV talking heads, good for the self-esteem of millions who always thought people on TV were actually hotter than they were.

Aviation News Continental pilot says someone shot a missile at his plane near Houston

Health Cheerios aren't a drug, and lifestyle decisions can save lives
But the FDA apparently thinks that basic claims about heart health made on the Cheerios box violate Federal rules on such things. Which, if true, makes the rules nonsensical. Because, as General Mills quite reasonably defends, the science behind the claim that a high-fiber diet helps the heart is quite solid. But if our only answer to chronic cardiovascular disease is drugs, then we certainly don't need the government running our health care.

Water News Crops are off to a good start

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