Gongol.com Archives: August 2009
Brian Gongol

August 4, 2009

News The New York Times really blew it with the Cronkite obituary
Despite having all the time in the world to pre-package an obituary for the legendary newsman (the man was 92 years old, after all), the New York Times had to publish seven corrections to his obituary. Seven? Really? Whatever happened to being the "newspaper of record"?

Computers and the Internet A third of Europeans have never used the Internet
Meanwhile, more than half of continentals are using it all the time. What a peculiar divide. The Baltic states are more enthusiastic users than any other countries in Europe.

Water News The upstream/downstream divide on fertilizer use

Broadcasting Podcast: Health care should be about preserving wellness, not just treating sickness
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Broadcasting Podcast: Facebook must make money sooner or later, or it should shut down
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