Brian Gongol

The problem with the government taking a larger role as a payer is that it's already deeply in debt, and the cost of borrowing will only rise more as the debt increases.

As the smartphone becomes the new de facto standard for mobile-phone service, it's more important than ever for website designers to make their sites functional for browsing on small screens. An astonishing number appear to be completely oblivious to this fact, but even the biggest screens on mobile phones today are only 480 pixels wide. Design has to start to accommodate this fact. CSS makes it possible to design a separate layout for mobile-friendly versions of a site than for the public browsing on huge 1280x1024-pixel displays.

The Naperville, Illinois, hotel says there was a wedding scheduled for that day, and it didn't want to attract noisy protests. Seems like a fair way to treat the wedding party. Moreover, in 25 years, the general mood of the public will view today's "anti-gay groups" with the same disdain reserved today for racist groups.