Brian Gongol

It's quite impossible to "create" jobs in Congressional districts that don't exist. Of course, the government doesn't "create" jobs anyway. They shuffle money from taxes collected from people and companies that are doing work and use that money to subsidize work elsewhere and by others -- and not especially well. The government claims that 123 jobs in the Virgin Islands have been "created or saved" at a price of $93.2 million, or $757,700 per job. If that's not obscene inefficiency, it's hard to tell what is.

Episodes of violence there are starting to reach into the United States. Among other things, drug prohibition makes the drug trade very lucrative for criminal organizations.

A mostly-empty prison just outside the Mississippi River in Illinois is being considered as a location for detainees being moved out of Guantanamo Bay

(Video) Another excellent piece of work by The Onion