Brian Gongol

The University of Tokyo has come up with a kind of paint that works like a Faraday cage to block wireless signals from escaping a home. Good for blocking the escape of WiFi computer network data. Bad for radio reception.

From the agency: "The new law requires banks and other payment settlement entities to report payment card and third-party network transactions with their participating merchants." More paperwork -- much like the policy going into effect December 1st that requires lots of new disclosures about Internet content and sponsorships -- that will require lots more work and doesn't even seem likely to produce any substantial benefits.

We've practically arrived in 2010, which means that we're almost as close to 2020 (moving forward) as to 2000 (in the past). That's a reality check, to be sure.

There are lots of idiots on the radio now promoting an anti-vaccination movement driven by pure ignorance. It's unfortunate that a family loss occurred, but it's good to hear that someone is using the airwaves to promote good. Vaccinations work.