Brian Gongol
Google Maps adds a layer for real estate
A new layer allows one to see real estate listings mapped all over the United States. It's surprisingly comprehensive, and it'll be a great tool for homebuyers. It'll also be a great tool for criminals who want to know where they can find nice houses with nice stuff inside.
Intel sticks 48 separate processing cores on one chip
The NFL has no sense of humor
The league nixed a series of TV commericals showing Bears players alongside Blackhawks players. The NFL, not seeing the humor in Chicago's hometown cross-promotion, says that their players can't be seen promoting any other sports. Bad memories of Bo Jackson?
Big Ben on Twitter
Every hour, on the hour: BONG! BONG! BONG! (as many times as required to illustrate the time in London)
2009 was a 12-year low for Atlantic hurricanes
Rising water prices ahead for Omaha