Brian Gongol

The WTO has ordered China to start letting in more American movies and music

A British law firm says the website is cited in 20% of its divorce cases

That's an annualized rate of growth for the US economy as a whole. Unfortunately, a whole lot of it was based on heavily-subsidized new-car sales that will come back to cost us dearly.

The service is supposed to get $25 million from Google and Bing (combined). How the service will remain profitable for the next 20 years is yet to be seen. In fact, it almost certainly won't be around in ten years -- at least not without changes that would render it nearly unrecognizable.

A self-serving observation, perhaps, but WHO Radio facilitated the delivery of an organ for transplant that had been stuck in a snowstorm earlier this month

Really. A weather map for every day since US Grant was President

(Video) It was a stunt in supposed acknowledgement of the perpetual popularity of "Star Wars", but really? Isn't the symbolism a little too disturbing for good taste?