Brian Gongol

Show notes from the WHO Radio Wise Guys - August 7, 2010

A news article on the program at Creighton University says "Many of the students are in their 30s and are experienced, disciplined and know what they want." That's exactly why universities should be working overtime right now to extend access to as many programs as possible through the Internet. Huge numbers of Americans have no bachelor's degree, and earning that degree often makes an enormous difference to one's earnings potential. If states are really serious about "economic development", they ought to focus on developing the skills and education of their labor forces, not just subsidizing big private-sector projects at taxpayer expense. If a pharmacist can be trained online, then virtually everyone else can, too.

It's a lighthearted attempt to put a happy spin on the sweltering humidty common in Iowa in the summertime, where the corn sucks huge amounts of moisture from the ground and transpires it right into the air.