Brian Gongol

A 10-megabyte hard disk once cost $3500. Today, a 10-Mb email attachment is no big deal. The really interesting part is to consider how archaic today's computer-related ads will look in 20 years.

The nation's devastating flooding is causing real and significant human suffering

If that kind of language doesn't recall Soviet-era prohibitions on protest and free speech, what does? The world needs Russia to be prosperous and free.

Bullet-pointed slides are no substitute for clear thinking, but the colonel thinks the bullet points are winning out

And it's doubtful the city is adequately prepared. Related: What everyone should have in a "go bag" in case of emergency.

(Video) Two oddly-named horses finish one-two

Somehow, a bad swing in a rocky patch of rough caused a spark, igniting a whole bunch of dry brush. Bizarre.

