Brian Gongol

Why? Reportedly, to put them in new films using new animation technology.

It looks like a copyright symbol with a chunk bitten out of it. It's almost as lazy as the new Democratic Party symbol. One would think that the advent of computers and vector graphics would usher in an era of greater creativity and complexity in corporate branding, but it looks like we're just getting lazier. Old symbols were far more elegant, like the General Electric mark.

How different countries use energy -- and what kinds they use. One glance at the graphs for the United States and China makes it quite clear that not only is China bounding right to the front of the pack in terms of total energy use, it's also using dramatically more coal than any other country to produce it. That's going to have a distinct effect on the planet's atmosphere.

Anticipation can drive a person nuts

Ricky Gervais explains why he's an atheist. Whether one agrees or not, it makes for interesting reading.