Brian Gongol

State law on mining rights appears to trump the rights of individual property owners. And in an era of tight budgets for state governments and high commodity prices, that's a recipe for making a lot of people (reasonably) angry.

It's amazing what just a few thousand dollars can do to change the trajectory of a small business

The problem with this movement is that they don't seem to understand: If you want to change capitalism, you have to be a capitalist. Do they really think that anyone in the financial industry is going to pay attention to hordes of people who clearly have no interest in participating in the stock market? There's no question that much of the investment-banking industry is a deadweight on society -- their brains would better be used elsewhere, and many are nothing more than rent seekers trying to collect an unreasonable amount of commission off transactions between other parties. But the market isn't going away -- markets are organic and fundamental to human nature. So instead of standing around protesting, it's much better to become a capitalist, then starve the investment-banking industry by voting against it through behavior and shareholder action.

Doesn't that seem like too much of a delay?

How tornado warnings are really issued
The National Weather Service assesses a Minnesota tornado from a couple of years ago that damaged northern suburbs of the Twin Cities with no apparent warning. The assessment highlights exactly why the Weather Service always needs trained spotters to volunteer their efforts -- and why we need more weather radar installations all over the country.