Gongol.com Archives: November 2011
Brian Gongol

November 10, 2011

Threats and Hazards Potentially-contaminated honey from China is hitting American store shelves

Computers and the Internet Atari used to be a leading computer manufacturer
Take one look at this ad and tell me you're willing to wager $100 that Apple will still be a powerful computing and electronics brand in 30 years. The market is simply too volatile for long-run predictions to be made.

Threats and Hazards The problem with Jim Cramer
It is Jim Cramer's style of hyperactive trading that causes ordinary investors to make stupid, rash, emotional decisions that cost fortunes.

Computers and the Internet Seriously: Don't put pictures on the Internet unless you are prepared to anticipate problems

Computers and the Internet Is an old AOL e-mail address a status symbol?
Despite the argument put forward in the article, probably not: It looks more archaic than it looks like the symbol of an early adopter.

News Gull attacks eagle

Science and Technology Better robots will be good news for us all

Agriculture Why the McRib only shows up occasionally

Aviation News NSF will convert an A-10 into a storm-chaser plane
The A-10 is renowned for its durability, so it's probably the most sensible airframe to try. Will be interesting to see the results.

News Postal Service worker has been stealing rebate checks from Iowans

Threats and Hazards Confederate-flag license plates? Really, Texas?

Humor and Good News High-school students serving on the local fire squad

Humor and Good News Gongolina, Poland: Sounds like a nice place to visit

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